Updated Indian Medicine Database with list of medicines in India and Images

We are the only provider of database of medicine with frequent updates in MRP and relevant informations. Contact us today to know more about the services. This medicine database is having more than 4.1 lakh+ products with images and all other information.

What we offer

India’s most trusted company providing Medicine Database – This Indian Medicine Database is an essential for any digital healthcare platform. With complete information about drugs and all salt compositions. Our medicine database covers a comprehensive list of Indian Medicines in Excel file, used in Indian market.

Make sure your online content is Up-to-date Organized trusted with our Indian Medicine Database.

You can download the sample or contact us for a database sample at any time!

About us

Backed by India’s most trusted company when it comes to providing the Indian medicine database we are into managing the indian drug database and its relevant information so that our customer can be up to date with their data.

Sneak Peek of the entire List of Medicines of India

Get a glimps of our Indian Medicine Database. We have tried to record a video to showcase various information available in the Excel file. You can click on the video link to have a look at the medicine database that we offer.

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Sample Overview - OTC

This video shows the OTC products into an excel file which is the part of the Indian medicine database that we provide. Have a look at this demo video showing that the images are mapped with the product ID in this Indian Medicine Database.

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What makes us stand out!

Total Reference

This database is a complete reference for Indian Medicines, which has all its related information including ingredients and usage details


You will find this database updated in SEPT 2023 with prices; thus no need to worry about any old information


We provide the list of all medicines in a downloadable excel file which allows users complete freedom of updating or modifying according to their needs without any constraints

Reliable Information Sources

We collect detailed information from reliable sources including brands and manufacturers, distributors, pharmacists and other medical practitioners

Save Time

Get access to information on Indian medicines, updates on an Indian Medicines Database, and other details all in one place

Save Money

Enjoy a world-class service at a budget-friendly price

Get Ahead

Boost your digital presence and establish an unbeatable edge over your competitors with our uniformly maintained dataset to suit your unique needs

Rapid response time

We answer inquiries and address requests within 24 hours or less on a consistent basis

Complete Information

This Indian Medicine Database is a perfect solution for both beginners and professionals as it gives them complete information about these medications on a single sheet with pictures of products if needed

The first step for any digital healthcare platform

We have prepared this Indian medicine Database to be used in any digital healthcare platform.


Businesses trust us with their medicine database requirement


Satisfaction rate from the existing customers


Well organised and uniformly structured medicine list


Existing customer gets monthly updates of Indian Medicine Database

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